jueves, 3 de mayo de 2012

The house was built around 1800 and in 1820. At that place lived our libertor Simon Bolivar, he was owner of La Quinta during 10 years, but he didn't live there too much time. In 1821 he started to live there. In his years of absence, between 1821 and 1826, Anacleto Clemente, lived in the house and let in so bad state that, given the proximity of Bolivar to Bogota on August, 6, 1826 Santander sent him a communication:

"I invert a lot of money composing La Quinta that Anacleto left ruined"

The quinta was declared a national monument in 1975 shows where everybody life when libertor  The lobby, his bedroom and it magnified gardens.           

The quinta de Bolivar is a very beautiful place and a very important and historical place where you can go to know all about Bolivar's life.

La quinta de bolivar is located
Bogota, Colmbia
Calle 20 No. 2 - 91 east.

TEL.: 3424100 Ext. 2304 Cel: 3187162031
Mail: quintabolivar@mincultura.gov.co
Bogotá - Colombia

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